RegTox can assist your company with a wide range of scientific and regulatory services to fit your needs. Some of the services we provide are listed below - if you require something that is not listed, reach out to us directly to learn more.
MoCRA (Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022)
MoCRA has created new requirements for companies selling cosmetic and beauty products into the United States that include mandatory facility registration and product listings (unless exempt). This includes overseas manufacturers. To learn more about how RegTox can support your MoCRA needs and streamline the process, reach out through our contact page!

California Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017 Compliance
This Act requires manufacturers of certain types of cleaning products to disclose the presence of certain chemicals on the company's website, as well as on product labels. Civil penalties can be applied for failure to comply. Read more about this Act here. RegTox can assist with all aspects of this new regulation.
Novel Food Ingredient & Dietary Supplement Compliance
If you are looking to market a novel food ingredient or dietary supplement product, RegTox has the expertise to make sure you are compliant and have the highest quality application possible. Starting with a feasibility assessment to evaluate your product regulatory status and data requirements, all the way through to application submission and agency discussions.
USA: FDA Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) (food ingredients); New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) Notifications (supplements)
Canada: Novel Food and Natural Health Product (NHP) Applications
Australia: Novel Food and Complementary New Medicine Submissions

Scientific Literature Reviews
Using specialized scientific database searching tools and experience in literature analysis, RegTox can conduct comprehensive hazard and safety reviews on chemicals, food/supplement ingredients, contaminants, or pollutants. Whether you require a narrative or systematic review, we can ensure you receive exactly what you need to answer the question you are seeking to address.
Other Services
- Exposure, Contamination, and Risk Assessments
- Pesticide Registration/Dossiers (US and Canada)
- Consumer Product Labels (CPLA, CCCR, FPLA, CPSC)
- Toxicology Study Placement and Protocol Reviews
- Cosmetic/OTC Ingredient Safety Assessments
- Training, Webinars, and Speaking Engagements
- CAN/ULC-S774 Human Health Risk Assessments for Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foams
- Manuscript Reviewing and Editing
- Ad hoc scientific and regulatory consulting/support

California Proposition 65 Compliance
This regulation essentially applies to any company selling products into California (with a few exceptions). More customers are asking questions about Prop 65 compliance, as the costs of non-compliance can be costly (in the tens of thousands of dollars for a single violation). Get your Prop 65 compliance in order before you are targeted!
RegTox provides comprehensive solutions to help you avoid costly enforcement action.
See our Proposition 65 services site for more details.
Service Partners
In some cases, businesses require allied services to compliment the support provided by RegTox Solutions.
Below is a select list of service partners that may be of value to your company.
Contact us to discuss your needs!
Having the right partner on your side can make all the difference in solving your issue efficiently and effectively. Whether you require specialized expertise to help take your business to the next level or just need additional support to assist on a project large or small, we provide customized consulting solutions at competitive rates.